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How do I use the Export Center?

The Export Center keeps you and your team on the same page while reviewing and exporting records from CoVet.

In this article

Exporting Basics

"Exporting" is the process of moving your finished records from CoVet to your practice management software or other application.

There are a few ways to export your records, and we cover this process in detail in our article How do I export records to my practice management software?

If you're not already familiar with the exporting process please review that article before continuing here.

Reasons to Use the Export Center

While you can export records directly from each Record screen, using the Export Center provides a number of advantages:

  • You can view all of your cases in one place, and easily visualize which records have been exported, and which have not.
  • There are a number of ways to sort the cases presented to you in Export Center, so you can focus on what is most important to you in the moment.
  • You can still easily review and edit records, right from the Export Center
  • It feels great when you clear out a column and can breath easy knowing your work is done 

Breath Easy 2

Accessing the Export Center

The Export Center can be accessed from the left hand navigation menu on the web version of CoVet.

On mobile, you can access the Export Center under Account > My Tools.

Export Center in Nav Bar


Export Center on Mobile


Web Mobile

Changing The Export Status of a Record

The main function of the Export Center is to help you (and your team) keep track of what the Export Status is of any given case at any given time. 

For Review


Ready for Export




Indicates a records has yet to be reviewed. Indicates a record has been reviewed and approved. Indicates a record has already been exported.

In addition to the statuses noted above, you can also mark a record as "Not for Export" if you no longer want it to appear in the Export Center.

Not for Export - EC

Important Note: It's critical that you review each record for completeness and accuracy before exporting it and making it part of a patient's permanent medical history. 

To change the status of a particular record, just use the drop down arrow to expand the case, and then use the "Mark Ready" or "Mark Exported". When you do this your case will move the appropriate column, and you'll notice the counter numbers at the top of the column change.

When your case is in the "Ready" or "Exported" column you'll also notice a back button appear in this area in case you need to revert the record to a previous state.

Mark for Review or Exported

You can also change the Export Status for a case at the bottom of each Record page, and those changes will be reflected in the Export Center. Check out our article on How to export a record to my practice management software for more details.

Export Your Records

You can export your records via Copy & Paste functions, by email, or by downloading a PDF, all directly from the Export Center.

The buttons you need to do this are pictured within each case after you expand it using the drop down arrow in the top right.

Exporting Buttons

When exporting via Copy & Paste, you can use the "Copy All" button to copy the entire record, including headers, or you can use the copy button for individual sections below.

Using the "PDF" button will also give you the option to print the document via a system dialogue page.

Reviewing and/or Editing Directly in the Export Center

You can review and edit your records directly in the Export Center, just click the "Edit/View Content" button to the left of "Copy All" (pictured above) and a new window will pop up containing your full record. In that window you'll have the same full editing capabilities that you're familiar with from the Record screen.

Sorting and Filtering Cases in the Export Center

There are multiple ways to sort and filter the cases that are displayed in your Export Center, and they can be incredibly useful to help maintain your focus on the task at hand.

Moving from top to bottom, you can filter by Teams associated with the case, by search term or by date.

Filters on Export Center
Also, don't miss the sorting arrows below the Export Status labels. These will revers the sorting order of all cases for you with the click of a button.


Sorting order in Export Center 2


FAQ About the Export Center

What's the best way to have my support staff monitor my Export Center so they can move records into our practice management software for me?

Yes! Use the Export Status badges at the bottom of each record to indicate where each records currently stands in the export process. See our article on Export Status for more.

What if I want to keep track of all the records I have yet to export today?

The Export Center is the perfect place to do this. See our article on the Export Center for more.

How can I best set-up my practice management software to make exporting records from CoVet easy?

Each practice management software is different. Many have pre-determine SOAP formatting, in which case you're best using the Copy & Paste - Section by Section technique. That being said, you might be able leverage the power of the Copy & Paste - Entire Record technique to speed up your workflow if you can arrange to paste the information into a single text field. This single text field might be something like a "Medical Note". Some veterinarian's will even paste the entire record into the "Subjective" section of a SOAP note - it's an inelegant work around, but because headers are included it can work quite well.