What templates are currently available in CoVet?
We have a huge assortment of templates to choose from, and each produces it's own specific type of document. Check them out below, and enjoy!
In this article
- Template Types (Advanced/Standard/Custom)
- Template Categories (Record/Summary/Email)
- Preferred Input Type
- Template List (by Collection)
Template Types
There are 3 types of templates within CoVet. While they are all used to generate records in a similar way, the way you customize each of them is different.
Standard Templates come available with CoVet and cover a wide range of use cases. You can customize them using the Personalization feature.
Advanced Templates also come available with CoVet, and represent our most advanced template type. You can customize this template type with our easy-to-use drag and drop interface, where you can adjust and modify the template on an element-by-element basis. In addition to that, you can also use the Personalization feature on them just like Standard templates (Note: the personalization feature is located in the Gear icon menu at the top right for Advanced Templates).
Custom Template are completely custom from top to bottom! As a result, they are incredibly flexible and can be used for any veterinary scenario you can think of. Create one yourself using our Custom Template builder, or contact our support team for help with creating the custom template for you.
Template Categories
There are also 3 categories of templates within CoVet. Again, they are all used to generate records in a similar way, but in this case the type of document they produce is different.
Record Templates are used to create what would typically be considered a "medical record", although there's quite a bit of variety based on the specific use case! Most of these work best with audio recordings as their input source, but some can leverage a combination of both audio recordings and PDF documents.
Summary Templates are great at taking a lot of information and distilling it down to short, concise notes. Some of these templates work well with audio recordings, and others are designed to summarize uploaded PDF documents.
Email Templates are perfect for helping you find the right words to write to a client or colleague. These templates will help you draft an email that can be sent directly from CoVet, or copied and pasted into your favourite email application.
Preferred Input Type
Each template has been tested and optimized to work with a specific type of input material. In some cases this means audio recordings, in others it means PDF documents and in some it actually works well with a combination of both, using material from each in specific areas. Look for these symbols to know which type of input is best for the template at hand.
Template List (by Collection)
SOAP | Record | Advanced
SOAP - Recheck Exams | Record | Advanced
SOAP - ezyVet Formatting | Record | Advanced
Emotional Medical Record | Record | Standard
Support - History & Vitals | Record | Standard
Comprehensive History | Record | Standard
Telemedicine - SOAP | Record | Standard
Medical Progress Note | Record | Standard
Formatted Dictation | Record | Standard
The Support - History & Vitals template is unique to our Support Accounts, and can be a great asset in clinics using team medicine. Find out more about how Support Accounts work here.
Communication - Client Summary | Summary | Standard
Communication - Phone/In-Person | Summary |Standard
Email to Client - Visit Recap | Email | Standard
Email to Client - Lab Results | Email | Standard
Email to Specialist - Case Referral | Email | Standard
Email to rDVM - Case Report | Email | Standard
Vet to Vet - Case Consultation | Record | Standard
Vet to Vet - Daily Rounds | Record | Standard
Vet to Vet - Clinic Meeting | Record | Standard
Document Summary
Medical History - Brief | Summary | Standard
Medical History - Detailed | Summary | Standard
Medical History - Quality of Life | Summary |Standard
Lab Results | Summary | Standard
Important Note: There are additional templates outside of this collection that can be used to summarized documents - they are housed in various specialty collections below.
Emergency - SOAP | Record | Standard Template
Emergency - Hospitalized Patient SOAP | Record | Advanced Template
Emergency - Triage | Record | Standard Template
Emergency - Pet Poison Control | Record | Standard Template
Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine - Consultation Report | Record | Standard Template
Internal Medicine - Abdominal Ultrasound | Record | Standard Template
Surgery - History Summary | Summary | Standard Template
Surgery - Interchangeable Procedure Report | Record | Standard Template
Surgery - Consultation Report (General) | Record | Standard Template
Surgery - Consultation Report (Orthopedic) | Record | Standard Template
Dentistry - Canine Chart | Visual | Record | Advanced Template
Dentistry - Feline Chart | Visual | Record | Advanced Template
Dermatology - History Summary | Summary | Standard Template
Dermatology - Consultation Report | Record | Standard Template
Neurology - History Summary | Summary | Standard Template
Neurology - Consultation Report | Record | Standard Template
Cardiology - Consultation Report + Echo | Record | Standard Template
Exotics - Avian SOAP | Record | Standard Template
Exotics - Rabbit & Rodent SOAP | Record | Standard Template
Exotics - Reptile SOAP | Record | Standard Template
Other Specialty & Procedure
Radiology - General Report | Record | Standard Template
Rehabilitation - SOAP | Record | Standard Template
Acupuncture - SOAP | Record | Standard Template
Pathology - Necropsy Report | Record | Standard Template
Equine - General Exam | Record | Standard Template
Equine - Lameness Exam | Record |Standard Template
Equine - Colic Exam | Record |Standard Template
Equine - Pre-Purchase Exam | Record |Standard Template
Ruminant - Individual Animal | Record | Standard Template
Ruminant - Reproductive Case | Record | Standard Template
Ruminant - Herd Health | Record | Standard Template
Billing Summary | Summary | Standard Template